Arena 30 Canter Rules
Track Layout:

Procedure & Scoring
The track should be set up as pictured, starting with the top layout, and switching to the bottom layout after 3 scores runs have been completed.
The target faces are FITA80.
Arrows can be held in the hand or in the quiver.
For all runs, you may start pre-nocked.
This event is not timed.
You should stay in canter, breaks in pace (to a trot or slower), should be corrected immediately and not used to shoot or load an arrow.
All arrows must be shot within the start and finish posts.
You get 2 practice runs, where you may shoot.
For all runs, you may only shoot 1 arrow per target.
The scoring is 5-4-3-2-1, with Gold being 5 points, and White being 1 point. Any misses are not scored.
On runs 4-6, you receive 2 bonus points for hitting and scoring on both targets.